The field of engine management has many technical terms and acronyms. This page exists to help make sense of them for the uninitiated who want to come up to speed as quickly as possible.
Acronyms and Abbreviations:
- AAP - Absolute Atmospheric Pressure
- ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
- AFR - Air Fuel Ratio
- Asm - Assembly Code
- ATD - Analog To Digital
- BDM - Background Debug Module
- BPW - Base Pulse Width
- BRV - Battery Reference Voltage
- CAN - Controller Area Network
- CAS - Cam Angle Sensor
- CHT - Coolant/Head Temperature
- CLT - CooLant Temperature
- CNP - Coil Near Plug
- COP - Computer Operating Properly
- COP - Coil On Plug
- EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen
- ECT - Enhanced Capture Timer
- EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
- EMS - Engine Management System
- ERT - Engine Reference Temperature
- ETE - Engine Temperature Enrichment
- GCC - GNU C Compiler
- GPL - GNU Public License
- GNU - GNU's Not Unix
- IAP - Intercooler Absolute Pressure
- IAT - Intake Air Temperature
- IDT - Injector Dead Time
- ISR - Interrupt Service Routine
- MAF - Mass Air Flow
- MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
- MAT - Manifold Air Temperature
- OO - Object Oriented
- PIT - Precision Interrupt Timer??
- PW - Pulse Width
- PWM - Pulse Width Modulation
- RAM - Random Access Memory
- ROM - Read Only Memory
- RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
- RTC - Real Time Clock
- RTI - Real Time Interrupt
- RX - Receive/Reception
- SCI - Serial Communication Interface
- SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
- TFC - Transient Fuel Correction
- TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
- TX - Transmit/Transmission
- VE - Volumetric Efficiency
- WBO2 - Wide Band Oxygen
- Function - A block of code with a name, optional input and optional output.
- Method - An alternative OO name for a function.
- Void - Indicates that no input or output is required or will be given.
- Stack - An area of memory where code is stored that grows as it is run.
- Dwell - The time current is applied to a coil terminated by the spark event.
- Lambda - Ratio of air fuel ratio that is independent of fuel type.
- Stoichiometric - The ratio of fuel to air with none of either left over after combustion.
- Bit Bang - To turn a pin on and off manually from the code, not hardware.
- Polling - To read the state of a pin manually from the code, not hardware.