Engine Position/RPM Decoders


file  LT1-360-8.c

LT1 Optispark.

file  MiataNB.c

Miata from 9x to 0x.

file  MissingTeeth.c

Missing teeth, mostly 36-1 and 60-2.

file  NipponDenso.c

Reads Nippon Denso 24/2 sensors.

file  Simple.c

Reads any signal that is once per cylinder.

file  Subaru-36-2-2-2.c

Subaru 36 minus 2 2 2.

Detailed Description

All of the code that reads the high speed engine position signals can be found linked to from here.

Currently only NipponDenso is semi functional.

Generated on Sat Oct 16 21:29:24 2010 for FreeEMS by  doxygen 1.6.3